Truntehus Grape Variety link's
Variety descriptions & info:
B = Blanc (White) RS = Rosé N = Noir (blue-black) |
B |
L´acadie: white, frost hardy, early, small berried ~7mm diameter Ref , Aa , more , Ca , Vitis |
N |
Die weinbaulichen Merkmale von Acolon werden durchweg als „Lemberger-ähnlich" charakterisiert. |
We |
N |
Agria is a little known varietal, native to Hungary, where it is alternatively known as Turan Vitis |
N |
Alden is a reddish-blue variety with very large clusters and large berries. Vitis (Short description) |
B |
Die genaue Herkunft dieser weissen Rebsorte ist nicht bekannt, Vitis |
-- |
B |
White, frost hardy, early, small bunches, berries ~ 5mm diameter Ref |
B |
Phänologisches Verhalten wie Müller-Thurgau mit etwas späterem Reifebeginn Vitis |
Gm |
B |
The vine is productive and vigorous,.frost hardy, early, neutral taste / blender / pick at 18 Brix (Short descr.) |
B |
Die Sorte wird meist zur Burgundergruppe gezählt, obwohl sie keine echte Pinot-Sorte ist |
-- |
B |
Bacchus appears to be generally well adapted to New York conditions |
N |
an extremely vigorous variety which is best grown on heavy soils (Short description) |
N |
Cabernet cross (50%), Weintyp: fruchtig, farbintensiv, extrakt- und phenolreich |
Fr |
B |
Reifezeitpunkt wenig später als Blauburgunder und daher nur für gute Reblagen |
B |
Eating grape, low acid, very early. |
N |
-- |
N |
Buffalo produces medium-sized, loose bunches of blue grapes with a fruity labrusca flavor. (Short description) |
N |
Weintyp: würzig, sehr intensiver Cabernet-Typ, farbintensiv, sehr extrakt- und phenolreich |
Fr |
N |
Weintyp: würzig, intensiver Cabernet-Typ, sehr farbintensiv, sehr extrakt- und phenolreich |
Fr |
N |
Weintyp: sehr würzig, intensiver Cabernet-Typ, farbintensiv, sehr extrakt- und phenolreich |
Fr |
N |
Der farbkräftige und tanninbetonte Cabernet Cubin besitzt eine ausgeprägte Cabernet-Sauvignon & vielen Fruchtaromen |
We |
N |
Cabernet Dorsa ähnelt im Habitus der Muttersorte Dornfelder |
We |
N |
Die kreuzungsbedingte Durchmischung der Erbanlagen lässt keine direkten Ähnlichkeiten mit den Elternsorten erkennen. |
We |
N |
Vine and fruit is similar to Cabernet Sau, but growth is more moderate, canes ripen earlier and are more winter hardy, More , Vitis |
N |
Späte bis sehr späte Beerenreife und Verlust an Saftausbeute bei Überreife |
We |
N |
It has reasonable tolerance to all cold and disease stresses, but the buds do not fully mature. More |
-- |
N |
Dark red variety with spicy flavor from the Amur Valley in eastern Siberia. Hardy, low-cropping, early variety (Canada) |
N |
Calandro New |
N |
Die Resistenz gegenüber dem Falschen Mehltau ist mittel und gegenüber dem Echten Mehltau mittel bis hoch |
Gf |
RS |
Canadice is more winter hardy than most seedless grapes (Short description) More |
Ny |
N |
a productive and moderately hardy variety (Short description) |
Castell New |
B |
This Vine, is today renamed to Villaris. OBS the Castell pdf file is more than 4 Mbyte !!! |
Gf |
RS |
is a spicy flavored slipskin grape with a pronounced V. labrusca aroma (Short description) |
B |
White, frost hardy, midseason, acid / should harvest as Brix gets to 16 Ref Geneva 1972.(Short description) More , Vitis |
Ny |
N |
Diese Rotweinsorte ist eine Kreuzung von S. V. 12.417 Chancellor, von Joannès Seyve (= J. S. 26.205) More , US info |
N |
Die Rotweinsorte Chancellor ist eine Kreuzung von Albert Seibel (S. 7053), der in den Jahren 1888 More , US info |
B |
Chardonel is a late ripening white wine grape (Fig. 1) which can produce a high quality wine with varietal character. More |
Ny |
B |
In most seasons this variety gives excellent performance in even the colder areas. Botrytis bunch rot is a problem. More |
-- |
N |
wine quality ranks highly among the French-American hybrids (Short description) |
B |
Very Early Table grape.(German) |
Fr |
B |
Very Early Table grape.(German) |
Fr |
N |
produces a heavily pigmented juice useful for blending as a coloring agent (Short description) |
B |
When fully ripe produces a pleasant, fruity wine of good acid structure More |
Gf |
N |
is grown on a greater variety of soils and under a wider range of climatic conditions than any other variety of American grape |
B |
The clusters and berries are much smaller than those of Concord (Short description) No Picture !!! |
N |
Dakapo liebt mittlere bis gute Lagen. |
Gm |
N |
is a very productive and vigorous variety. Cluster thinning is required (Short description) Canada |
RS |
is an early ripening red variety with small berries, small clusters and a mild American flavor (Short description) |
B |
Frost hardy, early Ref |
Es |
N |
Red, frost hardy, early, tannic, good colour. (DM P-4-73 x (Riparia 37 x Chambourcin)) Ref , more |
N |
Wein auch als Deckrotwein verwendet werden zu können. More |
We |
N |
Der Ursprung der Sorte ist unbekannt |
-- |
B |
The fruit has a less American flavor than other varieties of V. labrusca ancestry (Short description) |
B |
White, frost hardy, very early, pick at 16 Brix, Edelweiss produces early-ripening fruit similar to its parent, Vitis , Y2K |
B |
Sehr junge Sorte. Benannt nach der Festung Ehrenbreitstein bei Koblenz |
Gm |
B |
Mittelstarker, aufrechter Wuchs mit geringer Geiztriebbildung, Austrieb-, Blüte- und Reifezeit sind mit dem Riesling US info |
Gm |
RS |
is a winter-hardy, red seedless grape with a unique, strawberrylike flavor more (Short description) |
Ny |
B |
The variety ripens at Concord season and is one of the most productive varieties grown in New York (Short description) |
B |
Frost hardy, mid season, sister to St. Croix and Sabrevois Ref |
Es |
RS |
Pink, early Ref |
Es |
N |
ES 5-17 is very reliable, producing a good crop even after -38oC in winter, showing some sensitivity to Powdery Mildew |
Es |
B |
Frost hardy, mid season (Kay Gray daughter) Ref |
Es |
B |
Ripens its fruit in early September in the St. Paul area, frost hardy, early, neutral taste, low acid Ref , more |
Es |
B |
Frost hardy, very early, muscat flavour Ref |
Es |
B |
Frost hardy, mid season, good body Ref |
Es |
Felicia New |
B |
Gegenüber dem Echten Mehltau ist die Resistenz hoch |
Gf |
B |
Late vegetative maturity leads to poor bud and wood maturation with subsequent winter injury. |
N |
The flavor typified by Concord which is so desirable for juice and jelly, is lacking in Fredonia |
N |
Frontenac is a very cold hardy vine and has borne a full crop after temperatures as low as -30 F More , Canada , LFW |
Um |
B |
Frontenac Gris is a white mutation of Frontenac |
N |
Table grape, Geschmack: fein bukettiert, fest, knackig |
Fr |
N |
Der Reifezeitpunkt von Gamaret liegt zwischen Müller-Thurgau und Pinot noir |
Fr |
N |
It is the primary red wine variety of Beaujolais in France |
B |
Very Early Table grape.(German) |
Fr |
RS |
Very Early Table grape.(German) |
Fr |
B |
is vigor but heavy canopy result in a shaded fruiting and renewal zones leading to uneven wood and fruit maturation More |
N |
Vines of Glenora are productive and appear to be resistant to the grape root louse, phylloxera, |
Ny |
B |
Geisenheim hybrid which closely imitates Riesling both in the vineyard and in the cellar. (Canada) |
B |
The fruit has more of the riesling character than any other hybrid we have encountered |
N |
Very well crop. Low tanic wine, great as single grape wine. Midseason to early. OK against PM & DM. |
Gm |
B |
Golden Muscat produces very large clusters of large, oval, amber berries (Short description) |
N |
Geneva Red 7 is an early / mid-season red wine grape for use primarily in red wine blends. |
Ny |
N |
or Baltica, red, frost hardy, very early, fruity, Ref , |
B |
Early Table grape.(German) |
Fr |
B |
Weintyp: fruchtig, saftig, mit eigenständiger angenehmer Bukettierung, lebendig Säure |
Fr |
N |
Der in der Farbintensität selbständige Wein entwickelt ein angenehmes, charakteristisches Bukett |
We |
B |
is the most successful table grape released from the Cornell University grape breeding program (Short description) |
B |
The low acidity makes it useful in blending. Wines have been described as a neutral and free of labrusca More (Short description) |
Ny |
B |
Aufrechte Triebhaltung, geringe Geiztriebbildung, gutes Ranken und lange, feste Traubenstiele. |
We |
B |
is an early-ripening seedless grape with a strong, American flavor (Short description) |
N |
is an old black, labrusca-type variety used primarily for wine (Very short description) |
N |
is a black grape of the V. labrusca type that is used to add color to red wines and juices. (Very short description) |
N |
produces naturally large, oval, firm, seedless blue berries on medium sized clusters. More |
Ua |
B |
Die JUWEL-Weine zeichnen sich durch eine fruchtige, elegante Art aus; |
We |
B |
Die weisse Rebsorte Johanniter geht auf das Jahr 1968 zurück. More |
Fr |
B |
White, frost tender, mid season, chardonnay type Ref |
B |
The golden fruit ripens very early, and the vine is quite disease resistant. ES 1-63 (Short description) No Picture !!! |
Es |
RS |
The Kate Lin grape is a new and distinct variety of Vitis labrusca l. (labruscana Bailey ) grapevine. LFW , more |
N |
Red, frost hardy, very early, Johnson hybrid with small grapes. |
B |
White, frost tender, early, muscat flavour Ref |
B |
is a recent introduction (2002) from the University of Minnesota, formerly known as MN1166. (Short description) LFW |
B |
White, frost tender, mid season ES 294 Ref |
Es |
B |
was also produced from the same cross as Himrod but has a milder flavor |
N |
Diese Rotweinsorte muss nach dem Jahr 1929 entstanden sein, als der französische Züchter Pierre Landot Canada , LFW |
N |
Landal Noir (244) is the parent of Landot 4511, and thus the grandparent of Frontenac and Frontenac Gris. |
N |
Interspezifische Rebsorten für eine ökologische Produktion More , US info , Canada |
N |
is grown under several different names in the northern production areas of Europe (e.g. Lemberger, Blaufränkisch). |
B |
This selection was bred from a cross of E.S. 2-3-17 x Kay Gray, frost hardy, late season, pick at 20 Brix. Aa , LFW |
Es |
N |
Very vigorous, ripening early to mid-season. (Canada) LFW |
B |
White, frost tender, very early, neutral taste / blender Ref |
Az |
N |
Diese Rotweinsorte geht auf das Jahr 1911 zurück. More , US info , Canada |
N |
a release from the University of Arkansas, is a vigorous, blue seedless grape. More |
Ua |
B |
Marquis is a mid-season, white seedless grape (Fig. 1) with large, spherical berries borne on large clusters. More |
Ny |
B |
The young wine is fruity with hints of apricot and floral aromas, Cornell University 1985 More (Short description) |
Ny |
B |
Good disease and botrytis tolerance, the large clusters produce large crops |
N |
The trunks are winter tender and subject to crown gall attack, Botrytis infections are not uncommon. More |
B |
Vines produce good crops with a pronounced muscat flavor |
N |
It is disease susceptible to mildew, especially botrytis but also powdery and downy. (Canada) |
N |
Weintyp: fruchtig, farbintensiv, extrakt- und phenolreich |
Fr |
B |
resembles Niagara in fruit and Concord in vine, have been used to produce dry table wine (Very short description) |
B |
Has good botrytis bunch rot resistance. Fruit develops a full muscat flavor. More |
N |
Eating grape, very early. |
B |
Primary problem with the variety is its low vigor. At standard spacing the vines do not fill the trellis and are unproductive More |
B |
a yellow-green seedless grape cultivar of moderate vigor More |
Ua |
RS |
Grape with a rich muscat-labrusca flavor, used for ice wine in Nova Scotia, mid-season, frost tender (Sd) Ref |
Ua |
B |
is a floral, strongly flavored white grape used for juice, wine and fresh consumption (Short description) |
B |
High vigor and late growth results in poor wood and bud maturation and related low winter hardiness. More |
Gf |
N |
(SV 18-307 x Steuben) produces a highly ranked vinous, vinifera type wine |
Ny |
N |
[(NY33277 x Chancellor) x Steuben] produces an excellent full-bodied wine with a distinct pepper character |
Ny |
B |
(Couderc 299-35 x Muscat Ottonel) produces an excellent, high quality muscat wine |
Ny |
B |
(Traminette x Ravat 34) makes a top ranked floral, muscat wine. |
Ny |
B |
Ontario is a full-flavored American white grape that ripens early (Very short description) |
B |
A mid-season White Riesling-type with large vine size and only moderate cold hardiness |
N |
Great resistens to Plamopara, but late summer infections can be observed. |
Gf |
B |
Low vigor and winter hardiness limit usefullness of variety - frost tender, early, muscat flavour, late harvest candidate Ref |
N |
Very, very Early Table grape.(German) |
Fr |
B |
Mittelstarker bis kräftiger, aufrechter Wuchs, wenig Geiztriebe. Bodenansprüche gering, gute Winterfrostfestigkeit |
N |
Die Rebsorte Palas besitzt einen dunklen, rubinroten Beerensaft |
We |
B |
Variety is too botrytis susceptible and winter tender for culture at Geneva. |
B |
White, frost tender, very early, muscat flavour. Ref |
N |
The variety ripens its fruit and wood much too late for success in New York. Berries split on compact clusters |
N |
Yields have been low at Geneva, fruit maturity is very late |
B |
This is one of my favorite, great taste. No wine yet. |
Gf |
B |
Vine is nearly as hardy as Chardonnay. Its large compact clusters resist botrytis and splitting More , Canada |
B |
In spite of compact clusters, bunch rot is rare. The variety is productive demonstrating cold hardiness similar to Pinot noir More |
N |
resembles Pinot noir closely. It is among the most winter hardy of the red Pinot family |
N |
Very compact clusters and thin skins ensures this clone will suffer botrytis bunch rot, More More2 |
N |
Highly sensistive to botrytis, large compact clusters lead to overcropping with our standard methods of cultivation |
B |
This is a mid-season white wine grape from Elmer Swenson White, frost hardy, neutral taste. LFW |
Es |
N |
Price is a very early ripening Concord-type grape (Very short description) |
B |
Eine der ersten pilztoleranten Sorten des Fachgebiets. |
Gm |
B |
Die Sorte Prinzipal überzeugt vor allem durch ihre Leistungsdaten |
Gm |
N |
Weintyp: neutral bis fruchtig, farbintensiv, extrakt- und phenolreich |
Fr |
B |
a selection of J.F. Ravat. It is early ripening, moderately vigorous, productive and winter hardy (Short description) |
B |
White, frost tender, mid season, chardonnay type Ref |
Reberger New |
N |
Die Resistenz gegenüber dem Echten und dem Falschen Mehltau ist als mittel einzustufen. (1,3 Mbyte) More |
Gf |
B |
Mittel bis starkwüchsig, benötigt tiefgründige, frost tender, early, neutral taste / blender Ref , more US info |
Gm |
N |
Die blaue Rebsorte Regent geht auf das Jahr 1967 zurück. Eine Kreuzung von Diana x Chambourcin More , Gf info |
Gf |
RS |
produces large clusters of round, red, medium-sized berries More |
Ua |
B |
developed by the New York State AES, produces large clusters of oval seedless berries with firm texture More (Short description) |
Ny |
B |
Fruit is very susceptible to botrytis. Vine is prone to extended period of growth, late cane maturity and poor winter survival |
B |
The vine has excellent winter hardiness. Fruit ripens relatively late in the season, but produced good quality wines More |
-- |
N |
Die Sorte zeichnet sich durch recht frühe Reife, mittlere Er-träge bei mittleren Mostsäuregehalten |
Gm |
N |
Table grape, Geschmack: knackig, fein bukettiert |
Fr |
RS |
Table grape.(German) |
Fr |
N |
Kräftiger, aufrechter Wuchs mit starker Geiztriebbildung, daher etwas anfälliger gegen Oidium More |
Gm |
N |
is hardy and very productive but sometimes exhibits a biennial pattern of bearing (Short description) |
N |
Eine Mutation aus dem Blauen Spätburgunder mit roten Beeren |
-- |
N |
Red, frost hardy, mid season, fruity, ES 2-1-9 Ref |
B |
White, frost tender, mid season blender Ref |
N |
Bears medium sized blue berries on medium clusters. The vine is very hardy, vigorous, and disease resistant (Ca) Vitis , LFW |
N |
Vermutlich aus Frankreich stammend, wo sie häufig als Spielart des Blauen Spätburgunders angesehen wird More , Canada |
-- |
RS |
White, frost hardy, early-midseason, pink, large berries, female only |
Es |
N |
Red, frost hardy, mid season, developed in Russia from V. Amurensis and (possibly) Précose de Malingre Ref, Y2K |
B |
Saphira stammt aus einer Kreuzung zwischen Arnsburger und der französischen Sorte 'Seyve Villard 1-72' More |
Gm |
RS |
A University of Arkansas release (1987), produces large, crisp berries on medium-large conical clusters.) More |
Ua |
B |
Fruit is very susceptible to botrytis. Vine is prone to extended period of growth, late cane maturity and poor winter survival More |
B |
This variety ripens its fruit very early. Fruit is slightly susceptible to botrytis infection |
B |
tender, early, muscat flavour, late harvest candidate, bevorzugt windgeschützte,
warme Lagen, wenig blüteempfindlich |
Gm |
B |
it performed reasonably well in earlier trials |
B |
Seneca is a white grape with oval berries on medium-sized clusters. (Short description) |
B |
Diese Weissweinsorte mit Zuchtnummer SV5-276 stammt vom französischen Züchtungsbetrieb Seyve Villard More , US info |
N |
Sheridan produces large, compact clusters with large, black, Concord-type berries (Short description) |
B |
This variety ripens its fruit very early. Fruit slightly susceptible to botrytis infection, in row spacing should be reduced. More , Ref |
B |
Die Neuzucht SILCHER (We S 377) ähnelt im Stockhabitus und Wein dem Grünen Silvaner |
We |
B |
Die Resistenz gegenüber Plasmopara ist hoch |
Gf |
B |
This variety is being promoted widely over Latvia, Belarus, and Moscow, frost hardy, very early, pick at 20 Brix, Y2K |
B |
This is a high sugar, and very early vine. Very resistens. More |
Fr |
B |
Diese Weissweinsorte soll eine Kreuzung (Seibel 10.868) des Züchters Albert Seibe |
N |
Dr. Bruce Reisch reports isozyme pattern is identical with Pinot noir. German evaluations report good cold hardiness |
B |
Die Resistenz gegenüber Plasmopara ist hoch |
Gf |
N |
Steuben is a bluish-black grape that produces long, tapering, compact clusters (Short description) |
RS |
produces medium to large clusters of mild-flavored red berries. (Short description) |
N |
Die Rotweinneuzucht SULMER (We S 351) ist eine Alternative zum Bl. Limberger |
We |
N |
A significant attribute of Sunbelt is its even-ripening under hot conditions |
Ua |
B |
White, frost tender, mid season, neutral taste Ref |
N |
Swenson Red produces large bunches with large red berries that may turn reddish-blue (Short description) |
B |
White wines produced from Swenson White have been excellent, with a pronounced flowery nose LFW |
B |
A heavy cropper with moderate sensitivity to bunch rot and crown gall |
N |
Tauberschwarz, eine alte Landsorte des badischen Frankenlandes |
We |
B |
White, frost tender, mid season, acid, moderate character Ref , Vitis |
N |
has been a consistent vineyard performer in tests at Geneva, |
Troubador |
Dave McGregor hybrid.A cross between Riparia and St. Croix.#5 |
B |
A late mid-season white wine grape which produces wine with pronounced varietal character likened to one of its parents, More |
Ny |
N |
Van Buren is an early-ripening, Concord-type grape (Short description) Vitis |
B |
RS |
developed by HRIO, Canada, and is a red dessert grape of excellent quality (Short description) Vitis |
N |
also from the University of Arkansas, is a vigorous and productive blue-black seedless grape More , Vitis |
Ua |
B |
it is a very productive, cold hardy, crack resistant replacement for Elvira (Short description) Vitis |
B |
Die Angaben zum Reifezeitpunkt stehen im Vergleich zu sieben bekannten Referenzsorten, More , US info , Vitis |
N |
is a late ripening, productive variety which, on favorable sites, produces good quality red wine. (Short description) Vitis |
Villaris New |
B |
Der Reifezeitpunkt ist mit Müller-Thurgau vergleichbar. |
Gf |
N |
The vine is medium in vigor, very productive and ripens late (Short description) Canada , Vitis |
Io |
B |
This white wine variety is vigorous and productive but sensitive to fungal diseases (Short description) Vitis |
Io |
B |
White, frost tender, early, muscat flavour (less than Siegerrebe) Ref , More , Vitis |
Az |
RS |
Yates is a hardy, late-ripening red grape with juicy, sweet flesh & moderate labrusca flavor (Short description) Vitis |
B |
N |
N |
A large berried, vigorous variety with very compact, bunch rot susceptible fruit. Fruit & the vine do not ripen satisfactorily Vitis |
N |
Die Zweigelt-Rebe hat einen sehr starken, aufrechten Wuchs Vitis |
B = Blanc (White) RS = Rosé N = Noir (blue-black) Gf = Geilweilerhof Gm = Geisenheim We = Weinsberg Fr = Freiburg Az = Alzey
Ny = Cornell University Ua = University of Arkansas Es = Elmer Swenson Io = Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario Um = University of Minnesota
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